Categorie: Ethica et Oeconomia

Gran Bretagna: negli ospedali bruciano i feti abortiti come fonte di riscaldamento

Bruciare dei corpi umani come fonte di riscaldamento:  In ben 27 cliniche ed ospedali nel Regno Unito sono stati bruciati 15.000 bambini abortiti: i corpicini infilati negli impianti di termovalorizzazione per sfruttarne l’energia termica. Agghiacciante, un misto tra quelle favole gotiche di sapore alto medievale ed un horror di cattivo gusto. Invece, purtroppo, la realtà supera a volte l’impensabile. La cosa più atroce è sapere che questo procedimento è stato registrato alla stregua di una routine burocratica: i bambini abortiti sono rifiuti ospedalieri, i rifiuti ospedalieri sono fonte di energia secondo i protocolli del Ministero britannico. Un sillogismo degno della logica aristotelica ma falsificata da un altissimo grado di disumanizzazione. A poco valgono le puntualizzazioni in cui gli esponenti governativi affermano che nella stragrande maggioranza degli ospedali si agisce in modo appropriato: basta anche solo una struttura, un bambino infilato in un forno assieme a solo il cielo sa cosa per ricavarne energia, per testimoniare –qualora ve ne fosse ancora bisogno- del livello di distorsione in cui si vive. Come riportato dal Telegraph di Londra, alle madri veniva solamente detto che il corpicino sarebbe stato cremato… Sostanziale, pesante e vergognosa differenza. Quando la consuetudine supera l’empatia ci si può e deve aspettare di tutto. a cura della

Redazione Papaboys *

A shocking repor from England today is provoking alarm and outrage worldwide. The report indicates the remains of as many as 15,000 aborted babies were incinerated by British hospital as a heating source. BurningwasteWhile the pro-abortion movement frequently condemns pro-life advocates who draw comparisons between abortion and the Holocaust, the report of babies burned to heat UK hospitals is a shocking reminder of the callous way human life was treated by the Nazi regime. According to the report in the London Telegraph newspaper, the aborted babies were incinerated as “clinical waste” in “waste to energy” plans at British hospitals. The hospitals, funded by the British government’s NHs health care program, admitting burning the babies’ bodies along with legitimate medical waste and trash. The Department of Health has reportedly issued a ban on the practice, prohibiting the hospitals from exploiting the bodies of babies victimized by abortion any further. The 15,000 babies whose bodies became fuel for heating hospitals were incinerated at 27 various hospitals and clinics across the U.K. and the parents were not consulted about burning the babies.

As the Telegraph reports: One of the country’s leading hospitals, Addenbrooke’s in Cambridge, incinerated 797 babies below 13 weeks gestation at their own ‘waste to energy’ plant. The mothers were told the remains had been ‘cremated.’ Another ‘waste to energy’ facility at Ipswich Hospital, operated by a private contractor, incinerated 1,101 foetal remains between 2011 and 2013. They were brought in from another hospital before being burned, generating energy for the hospital site. Ipswich Hospital itself disposes of remains by cremation. “This practice is totally unacceptable,” said Dr Poulter. “While the vast majority of hospitals are acting in the appropriate way, that must be the case for all hospitals and the Human Tissue Authority has now been asked to ensure that it acts on this issue without delay.” Sir Bruce Keogh, NHS Medical Director, has written to all NHS trusts to tell them the practice must stop. The Chief Medical Officer, Dame Sally Davies, has also written to the Human Tissue Authority to ask them make sure that guidance is clear. And the Care Quality Commission said it would investigate the programme’s findings. Prof Sir Mike Richards, Chief Inspector of Hospitals, said: “I am disappointed trusts may not be informing or consulting women and their families. “This breaches our standard on respecting and involving people who use services and I’m keen for Dispatches to share their evidence with us. “We scrutinise information of concern and can inspect unannounced, if required.”.

* La fonte dell’articolo:

Guarda i commenti

  • Molto male!!! Questi sono peccati che gridano vendetta al cospetto di Dio.
    Ma da noi li smaltiscono negli inceneritori come "rudo": rifiuti ospedalieri. Non vedo tanta differenza... se non quella che qui siamo cattolici e la sono eretici e scismatici.

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